Bastion - HackTheBox
Bastion is an easy level WIndows box which contains a VHD ( Virtual Hard Disk ) image from which credentials can be extracted. After logging in, the software MRemoteNG is found to be installed which stores passwords insecurely, and from which credentials can be extracted.
First I check for available open ports.
nmap -p- --min-rate=10000
nmap -sC -sV -p21,22,80,135,139,445,5985,39517 -oA ./nmap/bastion.txt
Ports | Service |
22 | ssh OpenSSH for_Windows_7.9 (protocol 2.0) |
135 | msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC |
139 | netbios-ssn Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn |
445 | Windows Server 2016 Standard 14393 |
5985 | Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP) |
I decided to check for the SMB port. Anonymous login doesn’t work. But if I use a random username it shows the shares.
We have read access to Backup. after logging in we found a note.
smbclient -U sz -N \\\\\\Backups
Let’s download everything inside.
1 | recurse ON |
Inside WindowsImageBackup\L4mpje-PC\Backup 2019-02-22 124351\
we found VHD backup file.
We can mount it to our local machine
sudo guestmount --add 9b9cfbc4-369e-11e9-a17c-806e6f6e6963.vhd --inspector --ro /mnt/bastion
For some reason I couldn’t open the mount
I had to switch to the root user to browse the mount.
Alternative Mount
We can mount .vhd file directly from the SMB share.
1 | mount -t cifs // /mnt -o user=,password= |
Credit → 0xdf
Inside the mount, we can see it’s a Windows backup.
We can visit /Windows/System32/config
and Dump the credentials using secretsdump and then use Crackstation to crack the hash. -sam SAM -security SECURITY -system SYSTEM LOCAL
Creds → l4mpje : bureaulampje
We can now ssh to the machine and get the user flag.
Privilege Escalation
After looking for a while I found an interesting program mRemoteNG.
After researching online I found this website where they tell us encrypted passwords can be found.
Inside confCons.xml
we find the encrypted creds.
I used mRemoteNG-Decrypt to decrypt the password of the administrator.
Creds → administrator : thXLHM96BeKL0ER2
After sshing with admin creds we get the root flag.